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Beauty treatment for people with oily skin

beauty.jpgOily skin requires special care. Fighting with excess sebum will be supported by properly selected cosmetics, proper care and cosmetic treatments designed especially for oily skin. What cosmetic treatments are recommended for people with oily skin?

Corundum microdermabrasion

Corundum microdermabrasion is a mechanical peel that removes calloused, dead skin cells and, as a result, enables the formation of new skin cells. The latter ones are moving, thanks to which they occupy the place of damaged and dead cells, thus rebuilding and regenerating the skin. In addition, corundum microdermabrasion reduces seborrhea and refreshes the complexion.

The effect of the treatment is to improve the colour and elasticity of the skin as well as to soften it and smooth it out.

Needle-free mesotherapy 

Needle-free mesotherapy uses the electromagnetic wave. The latter implements active substances under the skin and stimulates the cells to regenerate naturally. The treatment results in a visible improvement in the colour and texture of the skin as well as the metabolism of the epidermis. As a result, the face is oxygenated and nourished, healthier-looking, it is brighter and toned. Needle-free mesotherapy presupposes the removal of the keratinized epidermis and enlarged pores, i.e. the attributes of oily skin. In addition, the tissue is nourished, free of toxins and stimulated to produce collagen and elastin.

RetixC peel

RetixC is an effective rejuvenating treatment that simultaneously refreshes oily skin and improves its condition. It eliminates skin imperfections, including blackheads, blemishes, and brightens the face. It helps to get rid of wrinkles and removes keratinized epidermis. Peeling RetixC nourishes the skin and stimulates its blood circulation, and as a result, it improves skin tone. In addition, it provides the skin with additional protection against infections and photodamage as well as improves the natural protective barrier of the skin.

Mandelic acid peel (balancing sebum)

Mandelic acid peel applied to the face regulates the amount of sebum secreted. It penetrates the hair follicle and reduces bacteria, thus prevents the occurrence of inflammation, blackheads, follicular acne and folliculitis that affects people with oily skin. In addition, it closes the pores and brightens the skin, which, as a result, becomes healthy-looking with a natural colour. Peel with mandelic acid helps remove heavy metal ions and free radicals that burden the skin.

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