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No surprisingly, each of us would like to keep their tanned skin for as long as it is possible. Unfortunately, the condition of skin is always deteriorated after being exposed to the sun. If not protected,...

Body and face care has to be adjusted accordingly to the ongoing season. It should be different during the summer and different during the spring. Other manners of care should be applied in the winter...

When we say that skin ages or becomes dry, this means it lacks water. In other words, it is greatly affected by dehydration. This in turn leads to wrinkles and aging spots development. Fortunately, we...

Probably each woman would like to look gorgeously and have silky smooth body skin. Indeed, each of us has a different technique to fulfill this goal. Some girls tend to use body scrubs whereas other benefit...

Dry and cool air, UV radiation, dermatological treatments… All of these can cause damage of epidermis, lead to irritations, itchiness, or skin allergies. Is it possible to deal with this problem?...

It has been long known that wearing a high-quality foundation might feel so good and comfortable as if we did not put anything on our skin at all. Does Helena Rubinstein’s Color Clone work this way?...

Do you know how to prepare your skin for sunbathing? Surely, Lancaster cosmetic collection will help you with that. Products of this brand are divided into several groups. The most important ones are Tan...

When we take a quick glimpse at a woman, cleavage appears to be the first body part revealing her age. If you do not want people to add you more years than your really have, start the proper care of the...

Macadamia oil is one of the most popular oils used for hair, face and body skin care. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, therefore it is good at taking care of our organism. Keep reading and get to know...

Probably each woman likes having cosmetics that matches each other in terms of fragrance, properties, working, and even colour of the packages. If you do not have a set like this yet, then it is high time...