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Facial cleansing treatments at the salon


Cleansing the face at a salon will work wonders for any type of skin, provided we choose the right method. Discover the following methods of facial cleansing done by a specialist: IPL laser, cavitation and chemical peeling, Silk Peel, Yellow Peel and special cleansing masks.

Facial cleansing at the salon – methods

IPL laser

The IPL laser is usually the best complement to microdermabrasion. After performing the latter, the beautician performs a strong anti-bacterial treatment with an IPL laser that prevents the formation of inflammation. This involves thorough cleansing of the skin, applying a serum (dedicated to acne complexion) and inserting it into the skin using ultrasound laser.

Cavitation peeling

Cavitation peeling is designed to remove excess sebum, bacteria, dead skin cells and other impurities from the skin. The treatment should be started by wetting the skin. Next, the beautician distributes the ultrasounds over the skin with a special spatula. The treatment can be carried out regardless of the skin type.

Chemical peeling – acid exfoliation

Chemical peeling consists in applying one or several layers of acid to the skin for a controlled chemical burn. The acids used have active exfoliating properties, reduce the calloused layer of the epidermis and prevent the formation of blackheads. The treatment is recommended for people with oily and acne skin.

Silk Peel

Silk Peel is aimed at controlled exfoliation of the epidermis with the introduction of active preparations deep into the skin using a medical device. The treatment uses formulas with salicylic acid or hyaluronic acid. Silk Peel will work well for any type of skin.

Yellow Peel

Yellow Peel cleanses and brightens the skin. Its active ingredients cause exfoliation and renewal of the epidermis. Its additional advantage is the stimulation of collagen, elastin and glucosamine production which improves skin elasticity.

Special cleansing masks

Each beauty salon offers a wide range of cleansing masks. Typically, during one treatment, one mask is gently exfoliating the skin and restoring its cells and another one provides refreshing, smoothing and moisturizing effects. These are very intensive treatments, so redness and irritation of the skin can last up to 3 hours.

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