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The truth is, urea isn’t a novelty, although it has burst onto cosmetic recipes as a wondrous ingredient that is potent enough to deal with many, even severe skin ailments. Learn the properties...

You don’t feel like throwing away cosmetics which turned out to be the wrong choice? Have you received a gift you don’t want but you feel too embarrassed not to accept it? Luckily, there...

Runny nose, watery eyes, continuous sneezing, red marks on skin. They are just a few allergic symptoms that a huge part of human population must deal with. Grass pollen, dust, mites, animal fur, food...

Natural methods of skin care are currently in their glory again. Undoubtedly, castor oil serves numerous very interesting beauty purposes, owning to which, it turns out to be one of the best hair, body...

If you think that you need tons of cosmetics to take care of your complexion…then you couldn’t have been more wrong. It turns out that in our bathrooms and beauty bags, we should all have products...

Swollen face, redness or paleness, runny nose, bloodshot eyes and dry skin under the nose. Do you know it? Yes, these are signs of an illness. Is there a way to hide them? How to cover up the signs of...

The black mask for blackheads is made of activated charcoal and bentonite clay, thanks to which it attracts skin impurities like a magnet. This homemade cosmetic is perfect for cleansing the skin of blackheads,...

Asian care with the use of Korean cosmetics is known all over the world. Hardly anyone knows what Korean makeup looks like. If you want to join this elite group, read today’s article. Korean face...

It comes into existence in the form of white or yellow flakes of epidermis and appears through skin itchiness. What are the causes, symptoms, types of dandruff? How to get rid of dandruff? Causes of dandruff The...

Brown skin with a golden shade is a positive tanning effect. Unfortunately, there are also negative effects of long sunbaths without proper protection, eg irritation and loss of hydration. How to moisturize...