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10 Crazy (Yet True) Facts about Natural Oils

Everybody knows and uses oils. Sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, olive oil are used in the kitchen. However, there’s something more to oils than cooking. Here’s a handful of facts about natural oils which are really useful.

  1. Natural oils make your teeth whiter – regularly swish coconut oil in your mouth. It additionally disinfects the oral cavity.
  2. Oils are the only natural substances which have the ability to enhance the hair bulbs – it’s their key and most brilliant feature. A regular hair oil treatment can repair your hair from the bulbs, and stimulate even the ones that have been long non-active. As a result, you get a faster hair growth and… volume.
  3. Oils help lose weight! Coconut oil stands out among others, speeding up the metabolism.
  4. There are oils that are like ‘your other skin’. Jojoba oil contains squalane which is also found in human skin. That is why this oil is able to reduce sebum secretion in oily skin and replenish it in case of dry skin.
  5. There is wax which pretends to be an oil. It’s the above-mentioned jojoba oil. It looks like an oil but it contains wax esters.
  6. One of the oils works on elephants like catmint works on cats. It’s amazing that elephants can walk long miles just to get the marula fruit and flesh. What’s more, the flesh ferments in the elephant’s stomach and the animal is… drunk.
  7. Hair oils must be chosen to go with the hair porosity. What is hair porosity? Simply put, it’s your hair type – appearance, condition, level of damage and… its needs. Every hair type needs different care and oils.
  8. Coconut oil triggers hair frizz – it’s surprising but this oil ‘misbehaves’ on hair (unless it’s low porosity hair).
  9. For producing one litre of argan oil, thirty-five kilos of Argania fruit are necessary. This is what makes it quite pricey.
  10. The production of argan oil is quite shocking… Hard nutshells are almost impossible to crack therefore they are collected after being appropriately ‘softened’, that is, in other words, were either split out or defecated by goats.

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